Notice of Public Hearing on the
Richgrove School District of Tulare County
A public hearing on the
before the governing board of the Richgrove School District ("District") in the Gymnasium at
20908 Grove Drive, Richgrove, California. At this public meeting, prior to the public hearing on
the proposed budget, there will be a public hearing regarding the Local Control and
Accountability Plan (LCAP) and budget overview for parents.
In compliance with public health directives due to COVID-19, social distancing guidelines will
be followed.
The public may inspect the proposed budget at the Business Office, 20908 Grove Drive in
Richgrove, California beginning June 7, 2021 and online at Any member of
the public may appear at the public hearing and object to the proposed budget or any item in the
The budget shall not be finally adopted by the governing board of the district until after the
public hearing has been held. Not later than five days after adoption or by July 1, 2021,
whichever occurs first, the governing board of the district shall file the budget with the county
Notice of Public Hearing 2021-2022 Budget
June 1, 2021